How does the global ecological crisis affect your personal health? Are you being selfish when you spend an hour focusing on your own wellness instead of global wellbeing? How do your personal choices affect the whole? How do the big choices we are collectively making as the human species affect your personal long-term prospects for survival?
I asked myself these questions as I sat at my desk in my little publishing office in Northern California, working on books and articles that I believe make a difference to our collective future. Out of these endeavors, a massive and ambitious project was born: an anthology that chronicles the birth of a planetary culture embracing both pristine personal health and vibrant global welling. I invited world-famous authorities to comment, people like the Dalai Lama, Deepak Chopra, Jean Shinoda Bolen, Huston Smith, Helen Caldicott, Larry Dossey, Debbie Ford, Neale Donald Walsch, Gay Hendricks, Joan Borysenko, Ram Dass, Mary Catherine Bateson and Barry Sears. I discovered unknown yet brilliant and inspiring new voices working on the frontiers of consciousness and personal growth. I put it all together in a remarkable new anthology, Healing Our Planet, Healing Our Selves. In the pages of this book you will discover some of the most astonishing, simple, profound and challenging visions of where humankind as a planetary species is heading, and what it means for every breath you yourself take in the next year and beyond. These brilliant contributors bring together quantum physics, leading edge medicine, social activism, mysticism, case histories, and the outer limits of science and systems thinking to paint a multi-faceted vision of the future, and how it will affect you personally.
I urge you to purchase a copy of this book from one of the web sites below. I urge you to read it, find the ideas that inspire you most, to incorporate them in a powerful life mission for yourself, and to share that with your friends and colleagues. I urge you to forward a link to this site to everyone you know, and ask them to purchase the book too. I urge you to write reviews on the online bookselling sites, to include this site in your signature line of all your e-mails, to order the book in your local bookstore and ask them to stock five or more copies. I urge you to join me in a planetary revolution that far transcends politics, economics and social progress as we know it today. I urge you to join me in the healing of our precious Earth, even as you heal the deepest wounds in your own psyche and body.
With thanks and blessing,
Dawson Church