1 | BARBARA MARX HUBBARD | Bringing God Home |
2 | NEALE DONALD WALSCH | Tomorrow’s God in Action |
3 | SANIEL BONDER | Healing the Roots of Fundamentalism |
4 | HUSTON SMITH | The News of Eternity |
5 | MARY CATHERINE BATESON | Cybernetics and Trust Between Nations |
6 | THE DALAI LAMA | Compassion in Action |
7 | HELEN CALDICOTT | The Nation that Saved the World? |
8 | SYLVIA HASKVITZ | Enemy Images |
9 | DEBBIE FORD | Hate is Not a Sexy Word |
10 | ANDREW HARVEY | Mystical Activism |
11 | RAM DASS | Coming Down from the Mountain |
12 | MARSHA COVINGTON | Spiritual Alchemy |
13 | KAI JAKOMA | Undefining the World |
14 | MARSHALL VIAN SUMMERS | The Great Turning Point |
15 | LARRY DOSSEY | Non-Local Consciousness and the Revolution in Medicine |
16 | BARRY SEARS | Simple Solutions for Global Wellness |
17 | BRUCE LIPTON | The Ching and I: Bio-Political Musings of a Transformed Scientist |
18 | HENRY HAN | The Gray Zone |
19 | NELSON KELLOGG | Wisdom Communities |
20 | TRATHEN HECKMAN | Proactive Audacity: Daily Acts of Revolutionary Delight |
21 | DEEPAK CHOPRA | Heroes of Ordinary Life |
22 | RICHAD MOSS | Birthing a New Culture |
23 | EDWARD VILJOEN | Every Problem a Prayer |
24 | ANGIE GRAINGER | The Shadow Side of Money |
25 | DAWSON CHURCH | Personal Disarmament |
26 | DARYL HANNNAH | Living Consistent With Your Values |
27 | GAY HENDRICKS | Bedroom Wars Meet Bosnian Wars |
28 | DUANE ELGIN | Reprogramming the Global Neural Network |
29 | NERIAH LOTHAMER | The New Chivalry |
30 | PATRICIA SUN | The Evolutionary Leap |
31 | JEAN SHINODA BOLEN | Women’s Circles Ripple Into Peace |
32 | JOAN BORYSENKO | Putting the Soul Back in Medicine |
33 | SCHEVING & GENDREAU | Deep Empathy |
34 | MARYA MANN | Quantum Kin: Creative Communities in the New Time |
35 | JOHN EASTERLING | Living Treasure |
36 | ALBERTO VILLOLDO | Homo Luminous: New Shamans of the West |